Benefits of lemon fruit is already no need to doubted. There are myriad benefits of this fruit start as herbal medicine and beauty ingredient. As a natural beauty care ingredients, lemon juice is often used to treat skin, face and hair.
While for traditional medicine, lemon believed and proven to healing various disease. Among them is the cough, sore throat and also helps digestion.
Health Benefits of Lemon for Hair
The contains of vitamin B in the lemon is very necessary for nourish hair. Not be surprised if our ancestors utilizing lemon as a ingredient for hair treatment.
1. Nourish Hair
The way to make a potions for the nourish hair is as below.
Ingredients :
- Straw enough
- 1 lemon fruit
- Water enough
How to make a potions :
- Grilled the straw to ashes
- Prepare 1 lemon fruit, squeezed, take the water
- Soak the straw with water and leave it overnight, and then filtered
- Add the lemon water, and use it to wash your scalp with a massage
- Do it every day
2. Overcome Hair Loss
To make a potions of lemon for overcome hair loss is as below.
Ingredients :
- 1 lemon fruit (or enough)
- Water enough
How to make a potions :
- Take a lemon and squeezed the lemon to take the water
- Then rub on your scalp until evenly
- Leave it overnight, and when the morning clean them with water
- Do it until a few days.
3. Eliminates The Dandruff
To make a potions of lemon for eliminates the dandruff is as below.
Ingredients :
- 1 lemon fruit (or enough)
How to make a potions :
- Squeeze the lemon until come out the water, rub the lemon water on the hair and scalp
- Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair
- Do it for two to three times
Other Benefits of Lime
4. Lost The Smell of Perspiration
How to make a potions of lemon for lost the smell of perspiration is as below.
- Mix the lemon juice with a little whiting, then rub it into the armpit
- Allow for a moment, then wash with clean water
- Do it two times for a day every morning and afternoon.
5. Lost the pain because coming months
How to make a potions of lemon for lost the pain because coming months is as below.
- Mix the juice of 1 lemon fruit, grated 1 ½ thumb-sized the ginger rhizome, 3 eye ripe the sour fruits, and 1 slice of palm sugar with ¾ cup boiled water, stir and strain them
- Drink on the first day of menstruation
6. To clean and bright the fingernails
Are you want to have clean and bright nails.
Here is how :
- Squeeze the water, and then use a bit of lemon water for the rub opaque fingernails.
- Do it regulary
Similarly, information about the
benefits of lemon for skin and hair beauty. May be useful for you to do hair treatments. Wait for the next article about
healthy and beauty tips.
Title : Benefits of Lemon for Skin and Hair Beauty
Description : Benefits of lemon fruit is already no need to doubted. There are myriad benefits of this fruit start as herbal medicine and beauty ingre...